What we do:

Diagnose | Educate | Relieve | Restore | Prevent

Assessment and Diagnosis

Assessment and Diagnosis

Everyone is unique, so shouldn’t your treatment be too?

We like to spend our time getting to know you, your current injury and your previous injuries. This helps us to understand the whole picture to better design a treatment plan for you.

You might have had a back pain recently, ever since you’ve had kids, or ever since you had that ACL surgery 2 years ago. You might not play sport anymore, or maybe you’re returning to sport after a few years of rest, or maybe you play 5 sports.

This part of the process helps us to make sure that your treatment plan is all about you.



We think it’s crucial that you understand what’s going on with your body, and for a couple of reasons!

It helps you to understand the journey that you’ve undergone, and that you’re going to undertake. We want to help manage your expectations, but also what you to feel confident in what “improvement” looks likes.

Secondly, we want to empower our patients with information so that you have the ability to keep us accountable. The more you know, the more you have the ability to ask us questions and the more your treatment is in your hands.


Relieve Pain

Pain sucks.

This is usually the catalyst for why you’re coming in - perhaps you’ve had the pain for a long time, or maybe you literally tweaked your neck this morning.

We want to help relieve your pain and also find out if there is something underlying that caused it.


Restore Function

Whilst pain is usually what brings people in, it’s often the first symptom to go. What we care even more about is how you’re functioning.

You might not have any more pain in your back while sleeping at night, but are you ready to go back to lifting weights/your kids/the washing basket?

Or you might not have anymore neck pain with driving, but do you have all your movement back when checking your blindspots?



There’s nothing worse than re-doing the same injury, whether it’s returning to sport too quickly or you’ve “always had a bad” back/ankle/knee.

We think its crucial to make sure that we can set you up with a plan or program that empowers you to help prevent re-injury.